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Secondary Education and PK-12 Suggested Academic Plan

Detailed course information can be found in the academic catalog. Students should use Academic Planning on the mySXU portal to schedule courses and track degree progress.

Suggested four year academic plan for the major (courses required in the major are in bold)

Please consult with your academic advisor prior to course selection.

134 credit hours are required for Bachelor of Science degree. The Biology Education major is a licensure program that prepares students to teach biology in high school. Requirements include coursework in biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics. Detailed course information can be found in the academic catalog. Students should use Academic Planning to schedule courses and track degree progress.

Suggested four-year academic plan for the major (courses required in the major are in bold)

Please consult with your academic advisor prior to course selection.

Semester 1

Credit Hours

TS 100: Transitions 1
FYS 175: First Year Seminar 3
COMM 101: Speech Fundamentals 3
BIOL 111: General Biology I


GE U.S. History 3

Semester 2

Credit Hours

PHIL 140: The Examined Life 3
ENGL 120: Rhetoric and Writing 3
BIOL 112: General Biology II
MATH 201: Calculus with Analytic Geometry
PSYCH 101: Introduction to Psychology 3

Semester 3

Credit Hours

CHEM 111: General Chemistry I
PSYCH 201: Adolescence Psychology 3
BIOL 240: Development Biology
EDU 200: Profession of Teaching 3
EDU 202: Educational Psychology 3

Semester 4

Credit Hours

CHEM 112: General Chemistry II
BIOL 312: Plant Diversity and Adaptation
GE Fine Arts 3
GE Arts and Humanities 3
POLSC 101: Intro to U.S. Government 3

Semester 5

Credit Hours

BIO 318: Ecology
BIOL Elective
PHYS 201: General Physics
EDU 323: Survey of Except Student 3
GE Global Studies 3

Semester 6

Credit Hours

BIOL 300: Genetics
CHEM 209: Survey of Organic Chemistry
GE Diversity Studies 3
EDU 370: Principles and Practices of the Middle and Secondary Schools 3
EDU 377: Historical and Social Trends in American Education 3

Semester 7

Credit Hours

BIOL 306: Microbiology
BIOL Elective
BIOL Elective
EDU 397: Literacy Instruction 3
EDU 372: Methods of Teaching Biology in the Middle and Secondary Schools 3

Semester 8

Credit Hours

EDU 345: Seminar in Teaching and Learning 3
EDU 349: Directed Teaching 9

120 credit hours are required for Bachelor of Arts degree. The Secondary Education track in the English major prepares students to teach English Language Arts in high school. The major consists of a variety of English courses in literature, linguistics, and writing. Detailed course information can be found in the academic catalog. Students should use Academic Planning on the mySXU portal to schedule courses and track degree progress.

Suggested four year academic plan for the major (courses required in the major are in bold)

Please consult with your academic advisor prior to course selection.

Semester 1 Credit Hours
TS 100: Transitions 1
PHIL 140: The Examined Life 3
ENGL 120: Rhetoric and Writing 3
U.S. History 3
POLSC 101: Intro to US Government 3
Semester 2 Credit Hours
FYS 175: First Year Seminar 3
COMM 101: Speech Fundamentals 3
ENGL 208: Study of Rhetoric 3
PSYCH 101: Intro to Psychology 3
Humanities not English (Diversity) 3
Semester 3 Credit Hours
ENGL 207: Study of Literature 3
ENGL 220: Advanced Writing 3
PSYCH 201: Adolescent Development 3
GE Biological Science with lab* 3
Humanities not in English (Global Literature) 3
Semester 4 Credit Hours
ENGL 200 Level Elective 3
ENGL 200 Level Elective 3
EDU 200: Profession of Teaching 3
EDU 377: Historical and Social Trends in American Education 3
GE Physical Science with lab* 3
Elective 3
Semester 5 Credit Hours
ENGL 356: Teaching Writing and Language in Middle and Secondary Schools 3
ENGL 241: Language and Linguistics 3
ENGL 300 Level Elective 3
EDU 202: Educational Psychology 3
EDU 323: Survey of Students with Exceptionalities 3
Semester 6 Credit Hours
ENGL 300 Level Elective 3
ENGL 371: Methods of Teaching Art in the Middle and Secondary Schools 3
ENGL 340: Critical Theory 3
ENGL 344: Young Adult Literature 3
EDU 370: Principles and Practices of the Middle and Secondary Schools 3
Semester 7 Credit Hours
ENGL 373: Methods of Teaching English in Middle and Secondary Schools 3
ENGL 300 Level Elective 3
ENGL 395: Senior Seminar 3
Elective 3
Elective 3
Semester 8 Credit Hours
EDU 349: Directed Teaching 9
EDU 345: Seminar In Teaching and Learning 3

*One of the natural science courses must have a lab component.

125 credit hours are required for Bachelor of Science degree. The Mathematics Secondary Education major is a licensure program that prepares students to teach mathematics in high school. Detailed course information can be found in the academic catalog. Students should use Academic Planning on the mySXU portal to schedule courses and track degree progress.

Suggested four year academic plan for the major (courses required in the major are in bold)

Please consult with your academic advisor prior to course selection.

Semester 1 Credit Hours
TS 100: Transitions 1
PHIL 140: The Examined Life 3
COMM 101: Speech Fundamentals 3
ENGL 120: Rhetoric and Writing 3
MATH 200: Discrete Math 3
MATH 201: Calculus I 4
Semester 2 Credit Hours
FYS 175: First Year Seminar 3
GE Fine Arts and Literature (Diversity) 3
PSYCH 101: Principles of Psychology 3
MATH 202: Calculus II 4
MATH 211: Linear Algebra 4
Semester 3 Credit Hours
MATH 203: Calculus III 4
EDU 200: Profession of Teaching 3
EDU 202: Educational Psychology 3
PSYCH 201: Adolescent Development 3
GE Biological Science with lab* 4
Semester 4 Credit Hours
MATH 301: Advanced Calculus 4
Application Area Course I 3
GE Arts and Humanities 3
GE Physical Science with lab* 3
EDU 377: Historical and Social Trends in American Education 3
Semester 5 Credit Hours
MATH 305: Probability and Statistics I 3
MATH 307: Modern Geometry 3
MATH 300 Level Elective 3
EDU 323: Survey of Students with Exceptionalities 3
EDU 397: Literacy Instruction for Diverse Learners 3
Semester 6 Credit Hours
MATH 306: Probability and Statistics II 3
MATH 308: History of Mathematics 3
MATH 300 Level Elective 3
Application Area Course II 3
POLSC 101: Intro to U.S. Government 3
Semester 7 Credit Hours
EDU 370: Principles and Practices of the Middle and Secondary Schools 3
MATH 309: Abstract Algebra 3
MATH 375: Methods Teach. Math 3
MATH 399: Senior Seminar 1
GE History (U.S. History) 3
Semester 8 Credit Hours
EDU 345: Seminar in Teaching and Learning 3
EDU 349: Student Teaching 9
*One of the natural science courses must have a lab component.

Mathematics Minor

Students must complete 18 credit hours in mathematics. A grade of C or better is required. Consult the academic catalog for course options.

124 credit hours are required for Bachelor of Arts degree. The Social Science Education major is a licensure program that prepares students to teach history and other social sciences in high school. Detailed course information can be found in the academic catalog. Students should use Academic Planning on the mySXU portal to schedule courses and track degree progress.

Suggested four year academic plan for the major (courses required in the major are in bold)

Please consult with your academic advisor prior to course selection.

Semester 1 Credit Hours
TS 100: Transitions 1
PHIL 140: The Examined Life 3
ENGL 120: Rhetoric and Writing 3
HIST 101: World History to 1500 3
POLSC 101: Intro to U.S. Government 3
Semester 2 Credit Hours
FYS 175: First Year Seminar 3
COMM 101: Speech Fundamentals 3
HIST 102: World History Since 1500 3
SOC 101: Intro to Sociology 3
POLSC 102: World Politics 3
Semester 3 Credit Hours
EDU 200: Profession of Teaching (+ EDUL 200)
HIST 103: U.S. History to 1877 3
HIST Elective (200-level) 3
PSYCH 101: Intro to Psychology 3
ECON 202: Principles of Economics 3
GE Biological Science with lab 3
Semester 4 Credit Hours
HIST 200: Introduction to the Discipline of History 3
PSYCH 201: Adolescent Psychology 3
EDU 323: Survey of the Exceptional Child 3
HIST 104: U.S. History Since 1877 3
GE Physical Science with lab 3
Semester 5 Credit Hours
EDU 202: Educational Psychology 3
EDU 397: Literacy Instruction 3
SOCSC Elective courses 3
HIST 230: History of Illinois 3
HIST 300 Elective 3
Semester 6 Credit Hours
EDU 370: Principles and Practices 3
EDU 377: Historical and Social Trends in American Education 3
HIST 395: Senior Seminar 3
SOCSC 101: World Geography 3
SOCSC Elective courses 3
Semester 7 Credit Hours
EDU 378: Methods of Teaching Social Science 3
SOCSC Elective  3
Humanities Elective (not History) 3
GE Global Studies Requirement 3
GE Arts/Humanities 3
GE Fine Arts or Literature (Diversity) 3
Semester 8 Credit Hours
EDU 345: Seminar in Teaching and Learning 3
EDU 349: Directed Teaching 9

*One of the natural science courses must have a lab component.

Social Science electives are chosen from economics, sociology, anthropology, or political science. Limit 6 hours in one area

121 credit hours are required for Bachelor of Arts degree. The Secondary Education track in the Art major prepares students to teach art in high school. The major consists of a variety of art and design courses including drawing, design, graphics, photography, and art history. Detailed course information can be found in the academic catalog. Students should use Academic Planning to schedule courses and track degree progress.

Suggested four year academic plan for the major (courses required in the major are in bold)

Please consult with your academic advisor prior to course selection.

Semester 1 Credit Hours
TS 100: Transitions 1
PHIL 140: The Examined Life 3
ENGL 120: Rhetoric and Writing 3
ART 124: Portfolio Seminar (Studio Elective) 3
ART 101: Drawing I 3
Semester 2 Credit Hours
FYS 175: First Year Seminar 3
COMM 101: Speech Fundamentals 3
Art and Design elective 3
Art History: 100 level 3
PSYCH 101: Principles and Methods of Psychology 3
Semester 3 Credit Hours
ART 222: Art of the Renaissance 3
ART 102: 2D Design 3
Art and Design elective 3
EDU 200: Profession of Teaching 3
EDU 202: Educational Psychology 3
PSYCH 201: Adolescent Development 3
Semester 4 Credit Hours
ART 201: Drawing II 3
Art and Design elective 3
EDU 377: History and Social Trends in American Education 3
Humanities course not in ART (Diversity) 3
GE Biological Science with lab* 3
Semester 5 Credit Hours
ART 202: 3D Design 3
Art and Design elective 3
GE Physical Science with lab* 3
EDU 323: Survey Students with Exceptionalities 3
EDU 397: Literacy Instruction 3
Semester 6 Credit Hours
ART 223: Modern and Contemporary Art 3
Art and Design elective 3
ART 305: Senior Seminar 3
EDU 370: Principle and Practices of the Middle and Secondary Schools 3
GE U.S. History 3
Semester 7 Credit Hours
ART 306: Senior Seminar 3
EDU 371: Methods of Teaching Art 3
POLSC 101: U.S. Government 3
Humanities course not in ART 3
GE Global Studies 3
Semester 8 Credit Hours
EDU 345: Seminar in Teaching and Learning 3
EDU 349: Directed Teaching 9

*One of the natural science courses must have a lab component.

120 credit hours are required for Bachelor of Music degree. Students select a Bachelor of Music program in performance with an emphasis in Voice/Choral or Instrumental. Listed below are the four-year academic plans for both the Choral/Vocal and Instrumental programs. Detailed program information and course options can be found in the academic catalog. Students should use Academic Planning on the mySXU portal to schedule courses and track degree progress.

Suggested four year academic plan for the major (courses required in the major are in bold)

Please consult with your academic advisor prior to course selection.

Pk-12 Choral (Vocal) - 135 Credit Hours

Semester 1 Credit Hours
TS 100: Transitions 1
PHIL 140: The Examined Life 3
ENGL 120: Rhetoric and Writing 3
COMM 101 3
Music Theory I 3
Aural Skills I 1 (+ Lab)
Keyboard Skills I 1 (+ Lab)
Vocal Technique 3
University Chorale 0
Semester 2 Credit Hours
MATH 100-Level 3
Psychology 101 3
Music Theory II 3
Aural Skills II 1 (+ Lab)
Keyboard Skills II 1 (+ Lab)
Applied Voice 2
Introduction to Music 3
University Chorale 0
Semester 3 Credit Hours
Education 200 3 (+ Lab)
Education 205 3
Physical Science 3 (+ Lab)
Music Theory III 3
Aural Skills III 1 (+ Lab)
Keyboard Skills III 1 (+ Lab)
Applied Voice 2
Italian/English Diction 2
University Chorale 0
Semester 4 Credit Hours
US History 103/104 3
Education Psychology 202 3
Religion Elective 3
Music Theory IV 3
Aural Skills IV 1 (+ Lab)
Keyboard Skills IV 1 (+ Lab)
Applied Voice 2
French/German Diction 2
University Chorale 0
Semester 5 Credit Hours
Religion Elective 3
EDU 323: Survey of Students with Exceptionaties  3
K-12 General Music 3
Music History I 3
Conducting 3
Applied Voice 2
Applied Piano 1
University Chorale 0
Semester 6 Credit Hours
Philosopy Elective 3
EDU 377: Hist. and Social Trends  3
Political Science 101 3
Choral Methods 3
Applied Voice 2
Applied Piano 1
World Music Cultures 3
University Chorale 0
Semester 7 Credit Hours
Biology 3 (+ Lab)
EDU 397: Literacy Instruction 3
Form and Analysis 2
Applied Voice 2
Applied Piano 1
Music History II 3
Vocal Pedagogy 3
University Chorale 0
Semester 8 Credit Hours
Student Teaching 9
Seminar in Teaching 3


Pk-12 Instrumental - 132 Credit Hours

Semester 1 Credit Hours
TS 100: Transitions 1
PHIL 140: The Examined Life 3
ENGL 120: Rhetoric and Writing 3
MATH 100-Level 3
Music Theory I 3
Aural Skills I 1 (+ Lab)
Keyboard Skills I 1 (+ Lab)
Applied Instrument 2
University Band 0
Semester 2 Credit Hours
Religion Elective 3
Communication 101 3
Music Theory II 3
Aural Skills II 1 (+ Lab)
Keyboard Skills II 1 (+ Lab)
Applied Instrument 2
Introduction to Music 3
Brass Methods 1 (+ Lab)
University Band 0
Semester 3 Credit Hours
Psychology 101 3
Education 200 3 (+ Lab)
Biological Science 3 (+ Lab)
Music Theory III 3
Aural Skills III 1 (+ Lab)
Keyboard Skills III 1 (+ Lab)
Applied Instrument 2
Percussion Methods 1 (+ Lab)
University Band 0
Semester 4 Credit Hours
US History 103/104 3
Education Psychology 202 3
EDU 205: Child Growth and Development 3
Music Theory IV 3
Aural Skills IV 1 (+ Lab)
Keyboard Skills IV 1 (+ Lab)
Applied Instrument 2
String Methods 1 (+ Lab)
University Band 0
Semester 5 Credit Hours
EDU 323: Survey of Students with Exceptionalities  3
K-12 General Music 3
Music History I 3
Conducting 3
Applied Instruments 2
Woodwind Methods 1 (+ Lab)
Chamber Music 1
University Band 0
Semester 6 Credit Hours
Philosopy Elective 3
EDU 377: Hist. and Social Trends  3
Political Science 101 3
Applied Instruments 2
Chamber Music 1
World Music Cultures 3
MUS 336: Teaching Instrumental Music 3
University Band 0
Semester 7 Credit Hours
Religion Elective 3
Physical Science  3 (+ Lab)
EDU 397: Literacy Instruction 3
Form and Analysis 2
Applied Instruments 2
Chamber Music 1
Music History II 3
University Band 0
Vocal Methods 1 (+ Lab)
Semester 8 Credit Hours
Student Teaching 9
Seminar in Teaching 3

120 credit hours are required for Bachelor of Arts degree. The PK-12 Education track in the Spanish major prepares students to teach Spanish in high school. The major consists of a variety of Spanish courses in language, literature, history, and culture. Detailed course information can be found in the academic catalog. Students should use Academic Planning on the mySXU portal to schedule courses and track degree progress.

Suggested four year academic plan for the major (courses required in the major are in bold)

Please consult with your academic advisor prior to course selection.

Semester 1 Credit Hours
TS 100: Transitions 1
PHIL 140: The Examined Life 3
ENGL 120: Rhetoric and Writing 3
SPAN 200: Advanced Grammar and Composition 3
PSYCH 101: Intro to Psychology 3
Semester 2 Credit Hours
FYS 175: First Year Seminar 3
COMM 101: Speech Fundamentals 3
SPAN 211: Spanish for Speakers of Spanish 3
Spanish approved elective 3
GE Biological Science with lab* 3
Semester 3 Credit Hours
SPAN 210: Advanced Spanish Conversation 3
SPAN 220: Interpretation of Texts 3
GE Physical Science with lab* 3
GE Arts and Humanities 3
GE US History 3
EDU 200: Profession of Teaching 3
Semester 4 Credit Hours
Spanish approved elective 3
POLSC 101: Intro to U.S. Government 3
Humanities elective (not in Spanish) 3
PSYCH 201: Adolescent Psychology 3
EDU 323: Survey of Except Student 3
Semester 5 Credit Hours
Spanish approved elective 3
Spanish approved elective 300 level 3
GE Fine Arts or Literature 3
EDU 202: Educational Psychology 3
EDU 397: Literacy Instruction 3
Semester 6 Credit Hours
General elective 3
Spanish approved elective 300 level 3
EDU 370: Principles and Practices of the Middle and Secondary Schools 3
EDU 377: Historical and Social Trends in Education 3
Humanities elective (not in Spanish) 3
Semester 7 Credit Hours
SPAN 395: Senior Seminar 3
Spanish approved elective 300 level 3
Spanish approved elective 300 level 3
GE Diversity Studies 3
EDU 378: Methods of Teaching Foreign Language 3
Semester 8 Credit Hours
EDU 345: Seminar in Teaching and Learning 3
EDU 349: Directed Teaching 9

*One of the natural science courses must have a lab component.

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